Katrina's Mission

Heart to Serve

Katrina's Mission: A Beacon of Hope in Detroit

Katrina Kalinowski of Katrina’s Mission dedicates her life to aiding women trapped in sex trafficking in Detroit. Her selfless commitment involves distributing food, clothing, and hygiene items to those in need, while nurturing relationships to help them find safety in Ellie’s House 313 safe houses.

Beyond rescue, Katrina invests her days teaching essential life skills like cooking, shopping, and self-care, and coordinates crucial appointments for medical care, counseling, and education. Her goal is to empower these women for a self-sufficient future, underpinned by love and care.

Recognition of Katrina’s extraordinary efforts came when Jennifer White of Clinton Township, inspired by Katrina’s dedication, nominated her for the Mike’s Cash Your Cause giveaway. Katrina won the $500 prize, a testament to the community’s acknowledgment and support of her tireless work. This award highlights the impact of Katrina’s Mission, further empowering her to help others.

We were honored to help Katrina’s mission as part of our Heart To Serve initiative.