You Deserve a Perfect Wedding Day.

Flawlessly Executed Photography, Videography, and DJ Wedding Services in Metro Detroit

Choose one or more of our certified wedding services
— perfectly matched to your style and budget.

Together, we’ve got 1000+ years of experience.

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Wedding Photography

Capturing stunning photos of your once-in-a-lifetime day is a non-negotiable. You can trust our talented experts to make sure you look your absolute best.


Wedding DJ

You want your wedding guests to have the time of their lives. (There’s nothing worse than a boring reception!) Our DJs keep the party going and the dance floor packed.

groom picking up and dipping bride

Wedding Videography

Your wedding day will go by in a blur. Our videographers document every meaningful moment so you can relive your perfect day again and again.

You’re going to have
a great wedding.

We guarantee It.

Realistic Prices

Have the wedding you want, without blowing your budget.

Professionals Who Get You

Feel comfortable with vendors that perfectly match your style and personality.

Peace of Mind

Let us sweat the details so you can relax and enjoy your once-in-a-lifetime day.

Your budget will love our Team Approach Package.

Starting at $6,197

Bundle Photography + DJ + Videography + over $1,500 in extras 

Save Time

Imagine booking your photographer, videographer, and DJ with one phone call.

Save Headaches

When you bundle services with Mike Staff Productions, our team coordinates with one another, so you don’t have to.

Save Money

With The Perfect Package, you’ll enjoy substantial discounts and bonuses. Can you imagine coming in under budget?

Our Mission

Give people the absolute best customer service experience they’ve ever had with any company, ever! 

We have a no-pressure policy at Mike Staff Productions.

We’re confident we can help you craft and capture the perfect wedding day, but if you’re not feeling it, no hard feelings. We’ll add as much value as we can during our conversation and then wish you well!